Benefits of the Original Chi Machine by Sun Ancon

The Original Chi Machine creates massage of internal organs via passive aerobic exercise. Movement of the body - consistent motion energy - creates cellular oxygenation of both the body and the brain, thereby allowing:
- Reduction in muscle soreness, tension, stiffness, body aches and pains.
- Improved flexibility of muscles and joints, more limber - spinal alignment.
- Improved function and regulation of internal organs and body systems.
- Improved circulation - activated lymph drainage and detoxification.
- Relief from stress related conditions.
- The brain shifts into a relaxed Alpha brainwave state - mental calm, focus, clarity, and relaxation.
- Sound, restful sleep.
- Improved metabolic rate - Increased energy and improved sense of well being.
What is the Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine and what does it do?
The ORIGINAL Chi Machine gets you moving inside and out.
The Foundation of Health:
Oxygenation and Detoxification of the body only happens through physical movement - these are the two reasons we are advised to exercise so that the body functions at peak performance, thereby making it harder to age and to 'break-down' due to a lifestyle of inactivity, poor diet, toxic medications, negative energy, emotional issues, environmental pollution and EMF'S.
1) Daily oxygenation of your cells is critical - the original Chi Machine promotes this.
Oxygen deficiency of the body is the proven foundation of multiple illnesses and diseases. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are destroyed in the presence of oxygen. The Sun Ancon Chi Machine aids in maintaining physical wellness and thus the prevention of illness and physical disorders by maximizing supplemental oxygenation of your entire body at cellular level via physical stimulation - Passive Aerobic Exercise.
2) Daily detox of your cells is critical - the original Chi Machine promotes this.
Without daily physical movement the Lymphatic System cannot detox your body. Aerobic exercise oxygenates the tissues and moves the lymph around. Lymph is a colorless fluid that bathes every cell in the body. The body has two circulatory systems, one for blood and the other for lymph. Blood is circulated by the heart, whereas the lymph is circulated by physical exercise. Many tissues depend on the lymph to provide nutrients (including oxygen) and carry off wastes. If the lymph does not circulate then the tissues suffocate while stewing in their own acidic waste products (uric acid, lactic acid etc.). - (Extract from "Acid and Alkaline Food".)
Benefits for all ages 4yrs to 100yrs - from toddlers to grandparents - all lifestyles.
The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine is for virtually everyone including stressed parents, hyperactive children (ADD/ADHD), inactive office workers, hard working construction workers and manual laborers, military personnel, drug rehab, the physically challenged, and sedentary senior citizens. Athletes: The Chi Machine is used for warming up, enhanced athletic performance and metabolic rates, mental focus and the painless release of lactic acid when used to cool down after dance, athletics, martial arts or yoga.
Perfect for Seniors or Athletes.
Excellent benefits for the frail, physically challenged, seniors, wheelchair bound or bedridden:
Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is extremely valuable to those who through age or physical limitations, can't exercise. These people in particular benefit tremendously from the gentle massaging effect created by the oxygenating passive exerciser and its assistance in the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body.
The machine relieves aches, pains and stiffness enabling seniors to be more comfortable and mobile. The Chi Machine 'work-out' is done lying down with no pressure, stress or tension applied to any part of your body. NO risk of injury. Heartbeat and blood pressure do not increase. NO stress to your spine, heart, muscles, ligaments, joints or lungs. Physical inactivity leads to depression, disease and decay. The Chi Machine not only gives back mental focus and energy to those who have 'lost it' or need a little help, but kick starts the body in genera,l such as bowel movements become more frequent and sounder sleep is experienced.
- Recognized and registered as a Medical Device in Japan, Australia and Canada.
- Pub Med - Chronic Secondary Leg Lymphedema clinical trials of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine.
- FDA Regulated as a Class 1 Therapeutic Massager in the USA.
- Highly rated by hospitals and doctors worldwide as an important clinical, medical and health maintenance unit.
- Health Care Professionals - Masseuses, physiotherapists, doctors, clinics, chiropractors, day spas and athletes in the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, are utilizing the Sun Ancon Chi Machine's relaxing, de-stressing, healing, detox and oxygenation benefits in their daily life and business practice.
- Thousands of people across Asia, Australia, Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe and Scandinavia use their Chi Machine on a regular basis with remarkable results being reported consistently, now spanning over 23 years.
- Multiple Global Patents - over 5 million Sun Ancon Chimachine units have been sold worldwide since 1990.

No stress. No pain. No drugs. No more excuses - simply lie down and relax.
Cells becomes cancerous when they receives less than 60% of their oxygen requirement. a) Nutriment from food intake. b) Oxygen - exercise (physical movement) fuels the body with oxygen which in turn carries nutrients to the cells. Oxygen starvation of cells in the body may result in: Immune deficiency, cardiac symptoms, sleep and respiratory disorders, blood chemistry disturbance, anxiety, intestinal problems, depression, headaches, fatigue, stiff neck, shortness of breath, dizziness and tumors. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, showed that the cause of cancer, is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. Simply put, cancerous cells cannot develop in the presence of adequate oxygen. |
![]() Does YOUR body get the oxygenation it needs: (Adapted from a quiz by Dr. Eigi Noguchi) |
1) Do you wake up tired, even after eight hours of sleep - sleep restlessly. Lifestyle and Environment:Emotional stress and largely sedentary activities contribute to chronically low levels of oxygen in your cells. Low oxygen levels will leave you feeling tired and depleted. The most effective way to acquire sufficient amount of oxygen is to exercise - to get your body moving - but many people find exercising tiring, exhaustive and time consuming. Long-term consequences for not exercising can prove to be miserable. Average daily living environments consist of the following stress inducing, cancer causing, oxygen depleting, physically toxic overload: Bacteria, viruses, parasites and disease all thrive in a low oxygen environment. ![]() "My research has convinced me that lack of oxygen is the root of most, or perhaps even all disease." - Dr. Shizuo Inoue, medical visionary and inventor of the original Chi Machine. TO ORDER - CALL NEW LIFE SPA WELLNESS CENTER
Regain Control of Your Life TODAY
New Life Spa Wellness Center
2086 S. Main St.
Grove, OK 74344
(918) 948-2758
Disclaimer: The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using