Deborah Stauss N.D. - Naturopathic Doctor & Master Herbalist

Benefits of BLACK PEPPER essential oil

Benefits of BLACK PEPPER essential oil

Black pepper is the dried fruit of the pepper plant, whose scientific name is Piper Nigrum. It is considered a condiment or a spice that is very common and popular throughout the world. It is extensively used in culinary applications. It tastes hot and has an appetizing aroma. 

In the distant past, it was considered sacred and was even used as a form of currency. It was so valuable that it was traded for gold and was one of the most prized trade items exported from India to the rest of the world. It was considered more valuable than gold.

What is the Genus And Species? Piper nigrum

Why is this Information Important? There are over 2,000 species of pepper in the pepper family piperaceae! Many of the species are not suitable for anything but cooking. So please remember to purchase your oil using the common name and the genus and species.

Antibacterial: Black Pepper has good antibacterial properties that you can enjoy without any adverse side effects. It is very effective in curing bacterial infections in the mouth, colon, digestive system, and urinary tract. It also disinfects food that it is added to and protects them from bacterial infections for long periods. 

Antioxidant: This is yet another beneficial property of black pepper oil. It protects the body from damages done by oxidants (free radicals) and also helps to repair those damages that have already been done. It also delays adverse affects of aging such as vision loss, macular degeneration, wrinkling of the skin, degeneration and loosening of the muscles, loss of mobility in the joints, nervous disorders, and memory loss. 

Arthritis & Rheumatism: These are two of the best qualities of black pepper oil. It is warming, stimulating and improves circulation, thereby giving immediate relief for rheumatism and arthritis, particularly during the winter when the symptoms are aggravated the most. It is also effective in removing toxins like uric acid from the blood, thereby benefiting people suffering from chronic rheumatism, arthritis, and gout. 

Cramps & Spasms: It is an effective antispasmodic and gives good relief in case of cramps, muscles pulls, spasms, or convulsions.

Digestion: Black pepper is remarkably beneficial for digestion because it stimulates the whole digestive system, from the salivary glands in the mouth to the large intestine, including promoting secretion of digestive juices like acids and bile into the stomach to facilitate digestion. 

Diuretic: Black pepper oil, when ingested, increases sweating and urination. Both ofthese properties play an important role in the removal of toxins from the body, clearing of the pores on the skin, and disinfecting the body. Sweating and urinating help eliminate extra water and fat from the body, thereby reducing weight, lowering blood pressure and making the body very relaxed. These properties are also helpful for reducing inflammation. 

Gas Relief: Black Pepper Oil is carminative and helps remove gases and prohibit additional gas formation in the stomach and in the intestines. It also helps inhibit bacteria that are responsible for the formation of gas. It helps clean the intestines and at the same time, cures infections in the digestive and the excretory system. 

Emotional Benefits

Black pepper is said to be good for those of us who worry constantly and have great stress. It empowers us to release those negative energies and embrace our own power. It also gives us the physical stamina and courage to overcome the things that are creating the problems to begin with! 

It helps us "digest" unhealthy feelings towards people especially ourselves! This is helpful for those who are self critical and angry or upset with themselves.

Aromatic influences: motivate into action when feeling "stuck", stimulating mental energy, feelings of courage, and bravery, particularly about speaking in public.

Other Benefits: Black pepper oil is rich in certain useful minerals and vitamins too. For example, there is vitamin-A (Beta Carotene), which is very beneficial for ocular health as well as for antioxidant activity. It has vitamin-K, which is essential for maintaining proper circulatory and metabolic functions, muscles, and bones. Furthermore, it has calcium, potassium and selenium. While calcium is good for bones and potassium for regulating blood pressure, selenium is essentially required for the proper formation of bones, nails, hair follicles and teeth, as well as for proper functioning of the brain.

May assist stimulating endocrine system, energy, pain, infections, fevers, muscle spasms, improving digestion, constipation, gas, urination, circulation, anti-inflammatory, anti-catarrhal, expectorant, rheumatoid arthritis.

A Few Words of Caution:  There is nothing to be inherently scared of when it comes to black pepper oil, except that if taken in large quantities, it may cause uneasiness, unrest, vomiting, loose motions, irritation and inflammation of the intestines, sleeplessness, overheating, and smelling strongly of pepper. However, there is nothing serious about these symptoms. That being said, keep pepper oil away from the eyes and nose, as it may cause irritation, sneezing, and burning of the eyes.

Blending: Black pepper oil can be blended with Lemon, Lime, Lavender, Sage, Sandalwood, Mandarin, Ylang-Ylang, Juniper, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Clove, Ginger, Geranium, Coriander, Grapefruit, Fennel and Frankincense oils.



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